Despite this herculean duration, time seemed to float by. The production had a filmic like quality and a rich visual language. It was incredibly moving, inspired and at times very funny.
First, Le Page’s company Ex Machina receives a significant amount of government funding which means he can spend up to two years developing a work like this. This incubation period is a rare luxury in the world of theatre and one unimaginable in Australia’s climate.
One exception is Pot Noodle, a musical comedy that premiered at the 2008 Edinburgh Fringe Festival. Created by the smart folks at UK ad outfit Mother especially for their client Unilever, it was set in a Pot Noodle factory, and based on creative concepts that had underpinned years of advertising.
So the big question is, do audiences expect the theatre environment to remain ‘clean’?
Kate some years ago Naked Australia worked in collaboration with a theatre company to try and align brands to their performances. However, the motivations of the theatre company were not 'financial', they were purely artistic.
Brands need to speak another language rather than just helping out with the cash to integrate into more artistic endeavours.
What Pot Noodle did was fantastic, though as you point out it was a continuum of a long term strategy and on-going campaign.
It was innovative, but it was also based on an existing track record of producing ad campaigns that had cult status.
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